Adult party Games can be a petite goofier and a petite more risqué so have some fun with the following two Games we suggest for your party.

The first game for the adult party is a fun romp called 'Feeding Time'. Have all the women at the party sit in a row of chairs on the opposite side of the party area. They should each have a baby bottle filled with something to drink (you can use milk or alcohol for these adult babies) and each should have a bib.
Place an equal amount of men on the opposite side of the adult party area. At your 'go' each of the men should run to their partner and get into her lap. The women will tie a bib about the man's neck and start feeding him from the bottle. The man can cling on to the woman but he's not aloud to touch the bottle with his hands. Once the bottle is empty the woman unties the bib and both run back to the men's starting place. The winning concentrate is the first one across the desist line.

Our second recommendation is more of a fun pastime than an actual adult party game. 'Body painting' can be made a petite competing if you give an award at the end of the painting session for the most artistic or most risqué body art. You'll need to spread out some newspapers or a floor cloth to keep paint from coloring the floor covering and you'll also need body paints or face crayons, brushes and some water.
Have the guests get into groups of three and dispose themselves so they can paint on each other's body. They can paint in any place on the body as long as their painting partners are okay with it. At the end have everybody admire each other's body art. This is assuredly a game reserved for those adult parties so keep the kids out of it!
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