Who says grannies and grandpas cannot have all the fun they can get? Well, you might find it a bit provocative to play a in effect great part for senior citizens but it is without fail possible. Just remember that it should be about them and what they like. To give you an idea, here are some of the best and top five creative and fun party ideas for senior citizens which you may want to try:

1. Guess that baby - If it's possible, you can ask all the attendees of the party to bring in a photograph of themselves back when they were still a baby. But if it's too much to ask and there's just no way for them to get as far back as that well, maybe an youthful photograph or a toddler one will do. You can place a wall for this during the party where they can pin their pictures on or have it located inside a fishbowl and then let them regain a piece to guess as you guys begin to play it.
2. Concert - everybody loves music. If you want to see them groove and belt it out wholeheartedly then creating a concert with a specific theme or with an provocative prize would do the trick. Let them group themselves or enter individually, doing either a song, dance or even a song and dance estimate to entertain the party and give it more life.

3. Play Jeopardy - Or if the oldies are not so much familiar with this one, you can already stick with using a game show format showcasing questions on trivia. You can pick entertainment topics like songs, movies, and celebrities which belong to the era that the senior citizens attending the said party will be familiar with.
4. Organize a bingo night - This is a good alternative if you have senior citizens who would need to be in wheel chairs or aid as they attend the party. This way they would in effect get to enjoy the night without the need of worrying who will be assisting them. Plus, a bingo night can also be created around a unavoidable theme. You can spice it up whichever way it would be more applicable for the time of the occasion and also for the attendees.
5. Have an auction party - You can ask the attendees to bring in some critical items that they would like to auction off. You can turn it into a real auction party, with the proceeds going for some charitable custom or for the benefit of the attendees themselves. You can also add a fun twist to this auction proceedings and make it one of the games in the senior habitancy party. everybody would in effect marvel at some of the most superior valuables that these habitancy would be able to bring.
In the end you need to make sure that the ideas you will turn into reality will be appreciated by the attendees. It would also be a good idea to know the health of the party-goers to make sure you have a comfortable place where the party will be held.
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