Valentine's Day is the one day one lovers become especially amorous and romantic. While this is de facto true, it's also a day when adults can be a bit naughty, crazy, and silly albeit in good ways with the help of Valentine's Day party Games. Here are a few Games that are excellent for you and your adult friends to play on this day of hearts.

The Kissing Game
Do you remember those times in high school or college when people paid for the privilege of kissing the hottest guy or gal in the school? You can play a fun game that will bring those times back, but this time colse to you will be kissing the hottest guy or gal in your life right now - your partner or spouse.

The rules are simple; whoever leaves the party with the most lipstick marks on his/her partner is the winner. It doesn't necessarily have to be the woman kissing the man since they can replacement roles just to mix the rules up a bit.
Tie colse to the Neck
Many people relate the day they got married or engaged as a day they felt like a noose was windup colse to their neck, but they dispelled the feeling and jumped in. This game is a fun way to bring that doomed feeling back.
These hilarious Valentine's Day party Games have straightforward rules, but are not as easy as you may think. The male partner has to tie a handkerchief colse to his female partner using only one hand. You can tie one hand behind the man's back to make the game a small more spellbinding and fun.
Roll the Ball
This is a game that requires intimacy between partners because corporeal sense is required. The man must roll a ping pong ball up the arm of the woman to her other arm using nothing but his face. After the man has completed the task, the woman has to roll the same ball from the man's waist down, down his trouser leg, ending at his foot. The woman can use nothing but her face to accomplish this.
If the incorporate drops the ball at anytime, they have to start at the beginning. You may want to inflict even more rules like if a partner drops the ball a third time, the incorporate is disqualified.
Paper Dance
You cannot forget about the most tasteless and funniest of all Valentine's Day party Games ever created. The paper dance is designed to test a couples ingenuity in fitting into a single sheet of paper no matter what their size and body weight is. This game allows for some great collective displays of affection without getting overly gross.
The game is played by folding a newspaper into smaller and smaller pieces until the partners are roughly standing on their toes. The incorporate that hangs onto their piece of paper will be deemed the winners. This game sort of reminds you of marriage too!
Now all you have to worry about to throw a flourishing Valentines Day party is food, drinks, venue, decorations, and venue now that you have Valentine's Day party games taken care of. If children will also be attending, make sure to keep the party romantic and fun because you don't want any of the kids to think their parents are gross.
Thanks To : Networks picture of a heart