Valentines Day is traditionally about young (and not-so-young) lovers showing their affection for each other, but it can also be a extra day for showing your love to your friends and family. Why not plan a party for them to touch the depth of your love with these astonishing Valentines Day party Games?

Winking is a favourite game for teenagers and others with loads of energy. It suits large groups (eleven or more players) and needs a bit of space. An odd amount of players form two teams; ordinarily girls on one team and boys on the other team with one extra player on the boys team. The girls are seated on chairs in a circle facing each other with one spare, vacant chair. The boys stand behind the chairs, including the extra chair, with their hands clasped behind their backs. The boy behind the vacant chair winks at any one of the girls. She immediately tries to leave her seat and move to the vacant chair, while the boy behind her tries to prevent her leaving by placing his hands on her shoulders and gradually restraining her. If he is successful in holding her in her seat, the winker can try again by winking at another girl (or the same girl!). If she succeeds in escaping from him, the boy who was behind her becomes the new winker. Be prepared for lots of noise and fun!
Pyramids is a quieter game with teams of three to four players. Each team is given a sheet of paper and a pen, with one player on each team writing down their answers. A six letter keyword is written over the top of the page. Some words could be "Lovers", "Flower", or "Joyful". When the signal is given to start the game, each team tries to write words under each letter. The word immediately below the letter must be two letters long, with the word beneath that word being three letters long, and so on. For example, the words below the letter "O" could be "on", "one", "only", "opera", "object", and so on. As you can see, the words do not need to comprise the same letters as the words above them but they must all start with the same letter. Since each word is one letter longer than the word above it, the words form six pyramids below the letters of the keyword. Each pyramid may be different lengths, so you may have up to six letter words (or longer) for some pyramids but only two and three letter words for another pyramid. To make the game easier, abbreviations, plural words, names and even foreign words may be used, especially for the two letter words. Any words that no other team writes down are worth two points each while words that are coarse to two or more teams score one point each. The team with the highest score after five rounds (using five different keywords) wins the game.

Chinese Whispers is another Valentines Day party game for teams. Two or more teams line up. The organiser of the game whispers a convenient phrase to the first someone in each team. At a given signal, the message is then whispered to the next someone in the team, who then whispers it to the next person, and so on. The message cannot be repeated if a player does not hear it properly. The last someone on the team then whispers the message to the organiser, who writes it down. When all the teams have given their message to the organiser, he or she then reads out each team's message before telling every person the traditional message, which is often nothing like the teams' messages! Use a Valentines day message, such as "Moonlight and solitude after copious ambrosia prompts maidens and squires to forsake chaste behaviour", or for teams with younger players, "The Valentines Day spirit is not small to one day but should be spread throughout the year."
There you have it. Three astonishing Valentines Day party Games to make it so much easier when planning your party for friends and family. If you want more information on these and many more Games to suit any extra opportunity check out our website below.
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