Not having games at a party is like not having cheese on a pizza ! So on Valentine's Day, stack your party with a whole lot of fun Valentine's Day games and have a jolly good time with friends/ folks/ sweetheart. Games not only amuse and entertain your guests, but they also act as an ice-breaker among the party people. However, while planning the games for the Valentine's Day party, do keep in mind the age of your guests. If you are slated to have a kiddy party, then the games will be separate from the Valentine's Day games you might have for an older group. Check out some very piquant Valentine's Day games that you might indulge in at your party this year.

Things I Love
Hand out small heart-shaped cutouts of building paper and ask each guest to write down their beloved movie, book, food and vacation spot in them. Nobody should sign their names at the end. Then the papers are put in a hat and randomly drawn out by the emcee who reads it out. The guests have to guess who has written it and the someone who guesses the maximum right answers, wins. This Valentine's Day game shows how much you know about the habitancy you love.

Chin Pass
Divide your guests into groups of five or six. Each group makes a circle and a small heart-pillow is to be passed from one someone to the other in the group. But the catch is that hands can't be used and the habitancy only get to hold the pillow in in the middle of their chin and chest and pass it on in a similar manner. If the pillow falls, then the pillow is to be picked up without using hands and the process has to start again. The first group to pass the pillow from the first to the last person, wins the game.
Ring Fun
For this Valentine's Day game, take a bowl filled with milk or some dark liquid and throw many rings in it. Now ask a integrate to take off their rings and throw it in the bowl with the other rings. Then they have to put their hands in, feel the ring of their partner, and without seeing take it out. Both of them go together and are allowed to take their hands out only once. Time the contestants and the integrate who finds the right rings in the shortest time, is declared the winner of this game.
Guess How Many
Like all other games, this one is fun too. Fill a glass jar with candies and ask the guests to guess the amount of candies in it. But before you start the game, make sure you yourself have counted the amount of candies in it. This game can also be played with a cake, in which case, the weight of the cake needs to be guessed. The one who guesses right or comes closest to the retort wins the game. Make this Valentine's Day game more piquant by making the total candy jar or the whole cake the prize for the winner.
Tie the Ribbons
Before the Valentine's Day party starts, cut a few pieces of ribbons (about 100 or 200) and hide them all over the house or the party room. At the party, the couples have to find the ribbons and tie them up in a chain. The integrate with the longest yarn at the end of this adventurous Valentine's Day game wins. It is not critical for all the ribbon pieces to be found.
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