Valentine's Day is for most singletons absolute hell. Why celebrate a day dedicated to love, when you're single and feeling somewhat unloved? also the fact that you can sneak in some extra chocolates into your diet, Valentine's Day can be a day for you to celebrate the love you do have, i.e. House and friends; or the potentialities of love in the next year. Here's a few ideas to get you into that love up mood...

If you've spent far too many Valentine's Day's sat alone, watching reruns of romantic comedies whilst eating chocolates and waiting patiently for that card to be delivered from your private admirer, it may be time to convert how you treat Valentine's Day. After all, it is a day of love, not just the romantic type either!
If you have a few close friends, you could attend a Valentine's party, where a fun round of speed dating occurs. It may be a good chance to meet new people, but also a laugh! Speed dating is a good chance to meet others, without the whole pressure of getting together!

Alternatively host your own Valentine's party, for singles and couples. It gets all your friends and House together, whilst chance up opportunities for other singles to meet each other. Open it to your friend's guests as well, increasing your public network. The great thing about Valentine's Day is that it's an excuse to have a party and indulge yourself.
You can go for the whole themed party with Valentine's Day parties as you can dress up using love associated themes, such as cupids or even a Shakespeare character for your melodramatic side. Love associated food can also be on the menu, such as aphrodisiacs like Oysters, asparagus, red wine, coffee and chocolates! Dress your venue in reds, lush purples and pinks to get you into the mood of love! Sparkling confetti hearts, balloons and edible hearts will all go down a treat! You could even have a round of adult Games and speed dating for your single friends.
If you want to keep Valentine's day a dinky more private, why not organise a viewing of a romantic film with your friends. Invite your closest loved ones over to spend the night sobbing over your popcorn, whilst you transfer stories of 'love lost' and enjoy the sentiments of the film.
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