Silly string is one of the many irresistible party items that can add immensely to any event due to its effect on people, making them eager to unleash their impish childishness while at the same time unleashing their silly string on everybody else. It has a great many uses in the party setting, its versatility being minute only by the ingenuity of the user.

The most definite and universal use for silly string is as a party enhancer, allowing partying individuals to show their enthusiasm as a spray of silly string. Since it is available in virtually every color, you can personalize the event with what color of string you use. For a birthday party, you could use either the color of the birthday persons birth stone or their beloved color. For a wedding using silly string either in place of or alongside rice you could use white and anything the colors of the wedding were. For your median holiday you could use anything the colors of that holiday happen to be, such as red and green for Christmas, black and orange for Halloween, red, pink, and white for Valentines, etc.
Silly string is also useful for setting themes, such as for a Halloween party. Using gray, white, or black spray in sporadic, circular movements in the corners to give a spider web feel. Or instead supply a can for all the party participants and have a contest to see who can form the best, most believable spider web in the shortest estimate of time. You may want to set a short time limit. You could also have contests writing in the air (or snow if available) just as you would write with a sparkler on the Fourth of July.

If you are setting up an obstacle procedure for older children or adults, you can also consolidate silly string. supply each team with a can and have them use the spray to test for trip strings. If their string falls to the ground it is safe to walk through, if they are suspended in mid air they will know to avoid being tripped. You might consider using something clear, such as fishing line for your trip ropes, so that the players will indeed need to use the silly string to avoid being tripped. This kind of activity would be excellent to consolidate into a party for minute boy army enthusiasts. Set up a small obstacle procedure and show the boys how to use the string to detect trip lines so that they can safely perforate enemy lines.
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