Valentines party games can add some fun and enjoyment to your Valentines Day party. What is regularly view of as a romantic day for couples can turn into fun for all the family. Having a Valentines Day party is now becoming popular with families, who have a party late afternoon and so the kids have some fun then the adults can go for a romantic meal in the evening. So derive all your friends and house and let's start spreading some love!

So what do you do in a Valentines Day party? First, why not put up a few decorations? Keep to a red and white theme and add cupids and red roses. Valentines Day party ideas for food contain any types of party food but but a little card in front of each dish with giving the foods dissimilar names such as sexy strawberries or romantic rice!
But how do you keep every person entertained?

The Pairs Game - In teams of two (the magic number!), the first player starts off by naming something then the other player has to name something that goes with it. For example, bread And butter, Mickey And Minnie, burger And fries, table And chair etc. The Lipstick Game - select one man who will be 'It' and cover they're mouth in red lipstick. They then need to chase every person a successfully plant a smacker on all of the other guests. Rhymes - Make up your own Valentines Day rhymes. These are regularly based around "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you." Valentines Day Crafts - As well as Valentines party games why not get the kids (and adults!) manufacture Valentines cards, decorating sweet jars with hearts and manufacture paper flowers. If you have some moulds you could also make Valentines Day chocolates which could then be put into a decorated box. These make great gifts! Find Cupid - Hide a plastic or soft toy cupid and give every person clues. See who can find him first. Pass the Heart - Use a soft toy heart (about the size of an orange) and play like pass the orange. every person stands in a line, the man in the front of the line puts the heart under their chin. The heart is then passed along the line from chin to chin without dropping it. If you have quite a few guests make up a few teams to see which team can get the heart to the end of the line the quickest. Cupids Surprise - Wrap up small Valentines Day trinkets in many layers and play like pass the parcel or hot potato.
Then after all those Valentines party games cozy up with some champagne chocolates and a romantic film!
Thanks To : Best New Mall picture of a heart Game 69 super bowl commercials 2011